


Why did we choose oat?

The main reason why we prefer oat in our products is that it is rich in vitamins and minerals and therefore it support development of children Oats contain valuable nutrients such as soluble fiber, proteins, unsaturated fat acids, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals in large amounts. They are rich in beta-glucan (2.3-8.5g/100g) and antioxidants. Protein content in oat varies between 12.4-24.4% and it is higher in the bran of the oat.


Oats contain lysine, an essential amino acid in low amounts. Fat content of oats is between 3-12%.

Also rich in vitamins B and E, zinc, manganese, iron, thiamine, folate, niacin. 100 grams oats contain 370 kcal, 63.29 grams carbohydrates, 12.53 grams protein, 7 grams fat, 5.43 grams fiber, 7 mg sodium, 348 mg potassium, 54 mg calcium, 4.6 mg iron.


What is apple juice concentrate?

Fruit Juice Concentrate is simply a concentrated or condensed fruit juice, which is generated by evaporating some of the water inside by heating the freshly squeezed fruit juice, containing no preservatives or any similar additive, totally natural.


Apple juice concentrate is produced from clean and solid apples washed and selected before the process. Before juicing the fruits, apples are crushed and cleaned from the pectin to adjust viscosity. Then it is filtered to ensure clarity. The filtered and pectin-free juice is concentrated in low heat and under vacuum to derive high quality product.


The 70° Brix product generated is cooled immediately and packaged. Apple juice concentrate is produced under good production conditions (GPC). That is, fruit juice concentrate is composed of only fruits, does not contain sugar and preservatives.


Why there is no added sugar?

Refined sugar mixes with the blood faster, increases blood pressure, causes over segregation of insulin and overtires the pancreas. We use organic dried fruits, honeyand low glycemic index apple juice concentrate to flavor our products.


Why do we use quinoa?

Although quinoa has grain like features, it is not a grain, it is closer to plants such as spinach and beet. As it is not a grain derivative, it does not contain the wheat protein ‘gluten’. It is a suitable product for people with gluten intolerance and celiac disease. It contains main amino acids such as lysine and iron, calcium and phosphorus. Quinoa seed contains A, B, C, D and K vitamins. Despite its rich content, quinoa seeds do not contain any cholesterol.


*Quinoa is a complete protein. It contains all the amino acids the body requires. It is an excellent vegetal protein source for vegetarians and vegans with the 4.5 grams high quality protein in contains in 100 grams. Biological value of the quinoa proteins is high.


*Resistant starch content of quinoa is lower than wheat and rye. Therefore, its glycemic index is low as well.


*It contains double the amount fiber/pulp compared to other grains. Fiber is essential for preventing constipation, increasing satiety period, balancing blood sugar and decreasing cholesterol.

*It contains high iron content. Anemia due to iron efficiency is common especially amongst children drinking milk.


*The researches put forward that eating quinoa regularly decreases total cholesterol and sustains HDL (good cholesterol) ratio. Moreover, some substances in quinoa protects the veins from inflammatory diseases.


Why do we use organic Sunflower oil?

Sunflower oil is a plant-based oil derived from the seeds of sunflower plant with a light-yellow color and a light aroma. It contains many unsaturated fat acids in its structure, that is linoleic acid known as omega 6 and A, D and E vitamins.

Sunflower oil is an oil type that does not contain GMO (genetically modified organisms). GMO containing products are; Corn, Soy, Canola and Cotton seed oil and produces containing these products. Sunflower oil is found appropriate for production in that sense looking at its taste and structure suitable for heat.


Is use of molasses / honey harmful?

In our daily life we started using honey and molasses in our kitchens as healthy alternatives for sugar. We know that ‘sugar’ is the sweet poison and our biggest enemy. However, honey and molasses are more nourishing thanks to the minerals they contain and have an effect of protecting and developing our health. The biggest concern about the use of these food in baked products is if they will be harmful under high temperatures. Honey starts to lose its nutrition over 65°C, molasses over 100°C…

When any product containing sugar, that is carbohydrates, starch and protein is exposed to high heat (170°C and over), a harmful, carcinogen substance called ‘acrylamide’ comes out. We bake our products in conventional ovens heated at 140 and in minimum periods so we achieve to sustain nutritional loss to a minimum and not to expose any harmful substances. We created all our recipes by getting approvals from food engineers and nutritionists and the analysis carried out show no harmful substances are detected.


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