As GGK GIDA YİYECEK VE İÇECEK ÜRÜNLERİ İŞLETMECİLİĞİ A.Ş. (HUMM ORGANIC) operating in Bebek Mahallesi Manolya Sokak No:30 Bebek - Beşiktaş / İSTANBUL, we are committed to ensuring the confidentiality of the information shared by visitors to our website For this reason, this Privacy Policy has been created to inform you by explaining which information of individuals, in which ways it is processed, with which third parties this information is shared in accordance with the law and within the scope of the permission you have given and how it is protected by HUMM ORGANIC.

In addition, within the framework of this Privacy Policy, it is stated how the accuracy of this information can be checked by you and how you can ensure the deletion of this information by applying to the HUMM ORGANIC website when requested. The services offered by HUMM ORGANIC to individuals through all kinds of channels will be briefly referred to as "Service".

Data Controller

Personal data refers to all kinds of information such as name, surname, date of birth and telephone number of an identified or identifiable natural person.

Your personal data are processed by GGK GIDA YİYECEK VE İÇECEK ÜRÜNLERİ İŞLETMECİLİĞİ A.Ş. (HUMM ORGANIC), which is registered as the data controller with the registration number 64491-5 before the Istanbul Trade Registry Directorate and whose company headquarters is located at Bebek Mahallesi Manolya Sokak No:30 Bebek - Beşiktaş / İSTANBUL, within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698 (PDPL), relevant legislation regulations and competent authority decisions / announcements and this Privacy Policy.

respects your concerns regarding the protection of your privacy and personal data. In this context, HUMM ORGANIC processes your personal data in accordance with the provisions of all legislation on the protection of personal data, especially PDPL, ensures that your data is stored securely and takes necessary security measures against possible unlawful access.

This Privacy Policy text includes which categories of your personal data are collected and processed by HUMM ORGANIC through the following channels and for which processes and purposes, to which recipient groups they are transferred, your rights regarding the protection of your personal data, and other explanations that HUMM ORGANIC, as the data controller, should inform you within the scope of its obligation to inform you.

Scope of Privacy Policy and Collected Data

The information to be used and processed belonging to a specific person is only possible in case this person enters data voluntarily or gives explicit consent in this regard. Entering data or giving explicit consent in this regard is an indication that the person agrees with the following conditions. When the website is visited, some information is stored on internet servers.

These data can be as follows:

  • Name
  • Surname
  • Telephone/fax number
  • Address
  • E-mail
  • Credit card number
  • Identity Number
  • Gender

In line with this data, some conclusions are drawn about the site user. However, this personal data can only be used anonymously. If this data is transferred to an external service provider, the necessary procedures are carried out for the transfer within the framework of the current legal regulations regarding data security.

In the event that you voluntarily provide your personal data, HUMM ORGANIC undertakes to use this information within the framework of the limitations stipulated by law or specified by the user in the declaration of acceptance, and to process or transfer it within this framework.

Purposes of Use of Personal Data and Cookies

·    Customising Users' Experiences

·    Competition

·    Access to Web Sites

·    Ensuring Communication with Users

·    Advertising and Marketing

·    Analyses and Market Research

·    Website Management and Record Keeping

As part of the service provided, HUMM ORGANIC may obtain and transfer information about service recipients within the framework of this Privacy Policy. Such information transfers are made in accordance with the terms determined by third parties and in accordance with existing contracts with third parties and current legal legislation in force. This Privacy Policy does not reflect the privacy practices of third parties to whom information is transferred and HUMM ORGANIC is not responsible for their privacy policies and/or data transfer.

This Privacy Policy does not cover information collected by applications beyond HUMM ORGANIC's own control, information collected by third party websites and platforms, information collected by third parties through links on the HUMM ORGANIC website, or headlines, campaigns and other advertisements or promotions on third party websites sponsored or participated by HUMM ORGANIC. HUMM ORGANIC is not responsible for the transactions made for the personal data collected, stored, transferred and used by third parties through their websites.

Use of Cookies

may obtain some of the aforementioned personal data by using a technical communication file (cookie). These technical communication files are small text files that a website sends to the user's browser for storage in the main memory. The technical communication file facilitates the use of the Internet by storing status and preferences about a website.

The technical communication file helps to obtain statistical information about how many people use the website, how many times a person visits the website for what purpose and how long they stay, and to dynamically generate advertising and content from user pages specially designed for users. The technical communication file is not designed to retrieve data or any other personal data in main memory or from e-mails. Most browsers are initially designed to accept the technical communication file, but users can change the settings so that the technical communication file is not received or a warning is given when the technical communication file is sent. HUMM ORGANIC is not responsible for any system errors caused by this change of settings.

The cookies used on the website are as follows:

·    Names of other sites visited while on the site

·    Words used to find the website

·    Name of the internet service provider

·    IP address and/or location

·    Operating system of the accessing computer

How Your Personal Data is Used

Your personal data can be used as,

Information such as name, surname, address, telephone, business or private e-mail address and information such as name, surname, address, telephone, business or private e-mail address through forms on the website and mobile applications; preferences on the pages logged in using the username and password, IP records of the transactions performed, cookie data collected by the browser and data containing browsing time and details, location data.

In addition, data obtained indirectly from different channels, from (micro) websites and social media used for websites, blogs, competitions, surveys, surveys, games, campaigns and similar purposes, e-bulletin reading or clicking movements, data provided by public databases, profiles and data open to sharing from social networking sites such as social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Google, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.) can be processed and collected.


prioritises the security of credit card holders who shop on our shopping sites. Your credit card information is not stored in our system in any way.

When you enter the transactions process, there are two things you need to pay attention to to understand that you are on a secure site. One of these is a key or lock icon on the bottom line of your browser. This indicates that you are on a secure website and all your information is encrypted and protected. This information is only used in connection with the sales process and in accordance with your instructions. Information about the credit card used during shopping is encrypted with 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol independently of our shopping sites and sent to the relevant bank for enquiry. If the usability of the card is approved, the shopping is continued. Since no information about the card can be viewed and recorded by us, third parties are prevented from obtaining this information under any circumstances.

The reliability of the payment / billing / delivery address information of orders placed online by credit card is monitored by HUMM ORGANIC against Credit Card Fraud. For this reason, customers who order from our shopping sites for the first time must first confirm the accuracy of their financial and address / telephone information in order for their orders to reach the supply and delivery stage. If necessary, the credit card holder customer or the relevant bank is contacted to check this information.

Only you can access and change all the information you provide while becoming a member. If you protect your member login information securely, it is not possible for others to access and change information about you. For this purpose, during membership transactions, we act within the 128-bit SSL security area. This system is an international encryption standard that cannot be broken.

Internet shopping sites with information line or customer service service and open address and telephone information are more preferred today. In this way, you can get detailed information about all the issues you have in mind, and you can get healthier information about the reliability of the company that provides online shopping service.


Your identity and credit card information that you will send to us by credit card mail-order method will be kept by HUMM ORGANIC according to the principle of confidentiality. This information is kept for 60 days against possible credit card withdrawal objections that may occur with the bank and then destroyed. In the event that any amount other than the cost of the mail-order form approved by you, which you will send to us in return for the price of the products you order, is withdrawn from your card, you can naturally object to the bank and this amount does not pose a risk because you can prevent the payment of this amount.

Links to Other Websites

The HUMM ORGANIC website may contain links to third party websites and this Privacy Policy does not apply to these websites. HUMM ORGANIC does not accept any responsibility for these websites.

Information Update and Amendment

may change this Privacy Policy at any time in order to keep the privacy data protection principles up to date and to comply with the relevant legislation. The changed Privacy Policy is announced on the HUMM ORGANIC website. It is possible to access the current version of the Privacy Policy continuously at

Should you continue to use HUMM ORGANIC's services or applications after the amendment of this Privacy Policy, it is assumed that you accept the changes made. The provisions of the Privacy Policy amended by HUMM ORGANIC shall be deemed effective on the date of publication on the website.

Data Retention Period

The data shared directly while becoming a member are stored for the duration of the membership period. The data shared as long as the subscription continues to the newsletters subscribed to be informed about the campaigns are stored.

Information on Third Parties or Organisations to whom Personal Data may be Transferred

For the above-mentioned purposes, the persons and organisations to whom personal data may be transferred are the main shareholders, shareholders, advertisers, our direct or indirect domestic/foreign affiliates; including but not limited to, the persons and organisations that we receive services, cooperate with, programme partner organisations, domestic/foreign organisations and other third parties and organisations in order to carry out our activities related to the service provided or in the capacity of Data Processor. Your data may exceptionally be shared with official institutions within our legal obligations for binding requests from the courts.

Rights of the Data Subject

The data subject may exercise his/her right of access to his/her data at any time. In addition, if the relevant conditions are fulfilled, in accordance with Article 11 of the PDPL, everyone can exercise the following rights by applying to the data controller:

  • To learn whether personal data is being processed,
  • To request information if personal data has been processed,
  • To learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
  • To know the third parties to whom personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,
  • To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,
  • To request the deletion or destruction of personal data,
  • To object to the emergence of a result to the detriment of the person himself/herself by analysing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
  • In case of damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, it has the right to demand compensation for the damage.


You are completely free to accept or not to accept the processing of your personal data, which is only necessary in order to make analyses in order to provide services to you, in accordance with this privacy policy. If you continue to use the Site, your acceptance will be assumed by us and you can contact us via e-mail address [email protected] for more detailed information.

Our company may also use the requested information for direct marketing purposes by itself or its collaborators outside the purposes and scope specified in the Membership Agreement. Personal information can also be used to contact the user when necessary. Information requested by our company or information provided by the user or information about the transactions made through our Store; It can be used by our company and its collaborators for various statistical evaluations, database creation and market research without disclosing the identity of our members, outside the purposes and scope specified in the "Membership Agreement".

Our company undertakes to keep confidential information strictly private and confidential, to regard it as a confidentiality obligation, and to take all necessary measures and due diligence to ensure and maintain confidentiality, to prevent all or any part of the confidential information from entering the public domain or unauthorised use or disclosure to a third party.


Our company prioritises the security of credit card holders who shop on our shopping sites. Your credit card information is not stored in our system in any way.

When you enter the transactions process, there are two things you need to pay attention to to understand that you are on a secure site. One of these is a key or lock icon on the bottom line of your browser. This indicates that you are on a secure website and all your information is encrypted and protected. This information is only used in connection with the sales process and in accordance with your instructions. Information about the credit card used during shopping is encrypted with 128 bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol independently of our shopping sites and sent to the relevant bank for enquiry. If the usability of the card is approved, the shopping is continued. Since no information about the card can be viewed and recorded by us, third parties are prevented from obtaining this information under any circumstances.

The reliability of the payment / invoice / delivery address information of orders placed online by credit card is audited by our company against Credit Card Fraud. Therefore, in order for the orders of customers who order from our shopping sites for the first time to reach the supply and delivery stage, it is necessary to confirm the accuracy of the financial and address / telephone information. If necessary, the credit card holder customer or the relevant bank is contacted to check this information.

Only you can access and change all the information you provide while becoming a member. If you protect your member login information securely, it is not possible for others to access and change information about you. For this purpose, during membership transactions, we act within the 128-bit SSL security area. This system is an international encryption standard that cannot be broken.

Internet shopping sites with information line or customer service service and open address and telephone information are more preferred today. In this way, you can get detailed information about all the issues you have in mind, and you can get healthier information about the reliability of the company that provides online shopping service..

Note: We recommend that you pay attention to the open address and telephone number of the company on internet shopping sites. If you are going to shop, write down all the telephone / address information of the store where you buy the product before shopping. If you do not trust, confirm by phone before shopping. All information about our company and company location are specified in all our online shopping sites belonging to our company.


Your identity and credit card information that you will send to us by credit card mail-order method will be kept by our company according to the principle of confidentiality. This information is kept for 60 days against possible bank and credit card withdrawal objections and then destroyed. In the event that any amount other than the cost of the mail-order form approved by you, which you will send to us in return for the price of the products you order, is withdrawn from your card, you can naturally object to the bank and this amount does not pose a risk because you can prevent the payment of this amount.


Our store may link to other sites within the website. Our company does not bear any responsibility for the privacy practices and contents of the sites accessed through these links. The advertisements published on the website of our company are distributed to our users through our advertising business partners. The Privacy Policy Principles in this agreement relate only to the use of our Store and do not cover third party websites.


In the limited cases specified below, our company may disclose the information of users to third parties outside the provisions of this "Privacy Policy". These situations are limited to;

To comply with the obligations imposed by the rules of law in force and issued by the competent legal authority such as Law, Decree Law, Regulation, etc.;

In order to fulfil the requirements of the "Membership Agreement" and other agreements concluded by our store with users and to put them into practice;

To request information about users for the purpose of conducting an investigation or inquiry duly conducted by the competent administrative and judicial authority;

Where it is necessary to provide information to protect the rights or safety of users.


Never write your credit card number or passwords in the e-mails you send to the Customer Service of our store regarding any of your orders. The information contained in the e-mails can be seen by third parties. Our company cannot guarantee the security of the information transferred from your e-mails under any circumstances.


Our company can obtain information about users who visit our store and users' use of the website by using a technical communication file (Cookie-Cookie). These technical communication files are small text files that a website sends to the user's browser to be stored in the main memory. The technical communication file facilitates the use of the Internet by storing status and preferences about the site.

The technical communication file helps to obtain statistical information about how many people visit the site, for what purpose, how many times a person visits the site and how long they stay on the site, and to dynamically generate advertising and content from user pages specially designed for users. The technical communication file is not designed to retrieve data or any other personal information in the main memory or from your e-mail. Most browsers are initially designed to accept the technical communication file, but users can change the settings so that the technical communication file is not received or a warning is given when the technical communication file is sent.

Our company may change the provisions of this "Privacy Policy" at any time by publishing it on the site or by sending e-mail to users or by publishing it on its site. If the provisions of the Privacy Policy change, it becomes effective on the date of publication.

You can send an e-mail to [email protected] for any questions and suggestions regarding our privacy policy. You can reach from the following contact information of our company.




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